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Friday, July 06, 2007

super duper happy and relaxed now la.
managed to talk to AL too. haha. (:
next monday will be Jiahui's turn.
all the best! (:

shall talk abt Jiahui's most recent post.
i TOTALLY agreed with her that Ms N and Mr B are getting on our nerves.
it's not that we're jealous of them or what.
we SERIOUSLY think they should be more discreet in their actions.
you don't need to cuddle each other all the time to show that you are a couple.
actually, we're still okay with that. but what made us (and some of her subgroup mates) disgusted is that they actually continue to cuddle during group discussion. it's like wth.
i think they don't understand that there should be a limit to those actions.
it's making all of us uncomfortable.

and Ms N, don't take us for granted. I still can't believe that you actually said those things to us the other day. perhaps it was nothing to you, but those words wounded us badly.
all i can say is, you're a hypocrite.
i seriously dislike the feeling of you trying to act close to the both of us.
we treated you as our friend so we asked you along for that lunch and that dinner date.
since you said that having the both of us as friends or not doesn't matter much to you, fine. don't come to us when he makes you unhappy.

as for Mr B, i think you should be intelligent enough to know that we should attend lectures regularly. or perhaps you don't know, since we're in different courses. but do tell Ms N to attend lectures when she have any. don't you know she can actually miss lecture to accompany you? don't act blur. if you truly love someone, you would want the best for her.

i'm gonna heck care unless you step on my tail.

~ { 8:21 PM }
everyday's a SMILING day ( :

Sunday, July 01, 2007

went for Advanced NCOC yesterday morning.
reached at 7.30am. weiye and yufeng reached there even earlier than me. haha.

took photo for ah tan and weiye. (:

haha. (((:

took photo with ah tan too.


was ah tan's PA. (:
then sat in the AVT most of the time.
day 1 of the course ended at ard 5.30pm.

after that, changed and went to HQ for CCC `o7 BBQ cum post camp discussion.
ate lots of hotdogs. xD.
then had post camp discussion.
some ppl played musical chairs after that.

others went for dessert.
i home-ed with xiuhui.
dad came to fetch us from keypoint.

did these.
Your Love Life Secrets Are

Looking back on your life, you will only have one true love.

You've been deeply wounded in the past, and you're still recovering from that hurt.

You prefer a quirky, unique person to be your lover. You're easy going about who you're with, as long as they love you back.

In fights, you love to debate and defend yourself. You logic prevails - or at least you'd like to think so.

Getting over a break-up doesn't take long. Easy come, easy go.
Your Love Life Secrets, Revealed

Your Inner Gender is Female

You're sensitive, caring, and willing to connect with anyone who's open to you.
You make friends easily, and you enjoy all sorts of conversations.
You understand most people you meet - better than they understand themselves.
You're totally a woman... or at the very least, your soul is female.
What's Your Inner Gender?

~ { 12:31 PM }
everyday's a SMILING day ( :

Friday, June 29, 2007

yay! JIAHUI <33.

haha. just love hanging out with her. she never fails to make me laugh la. and ya, i never fail to make her laugh too. ((:

dinner-ed with her, christina and her bf.
lols. laughed alot like ytd.

went shopping with jiahui after that.
bought the sweets from marks and spencer. yufeng recommended it last time.
then went carrefour.
bought a mickey pouch each.
so next time we can bring our valuables along when we go buy yong tau foo. (:

i think i'll love tml.

~ { 11:34 PM }
everyday's a SMILING day ( :

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

went to school at 10am this morning to discuss abt HS1096 presentation.
talked awhile then left for lecture. new module.

was looking forward to the break so can eat.
but the lecturer said the timetable was wrong and there isn't any break.
so jiahui and i chiong-ed out of the LT to buy food after the first lecture.
came back on time for the second one.
was dismissed slightly earlier so we ate our sandwiches while waiting for tutorial to start.
ate half, threw away the other half. =/

chiong-ed to toilet to tie hair after tutorial with jiahui.
then rush-ed down to NH. lucky my dad sent me there. (:
was abit not feeling well in the taxi already. felt like vomitting and was abit giddy.

reached NH.
after i alighted my dad's taxi, i almost fell down la. cos i couldn't see very well. luckily WY and YF nv see. (:
then went to put my bag in the room and brought the ranks to the parade square.
tried to hide the fact that there was something wrong with me. but in the end, both of them still found out that i didn't have a proper lunch. WY said i was pale.. o.O
and i was forced to eat 2 hotdogs by them. made me super full la. felt like vomitting but didn't. (:

promo was okay.
i was the emcee.
congrats to all who got promoted (:

thinking back, if it wasn't for the both of them, i think something would have happened to me la. so ya, THANK YOU WEIYE AND YUFENG! :DDD

i am really happy today. (:

~ { 10:06 PM }
everyday's a SMILING day ( :

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

sometimes, i just can't understand why we can't help one another in times of need.
is it that we humans are just too selfish?
or is it that we have no feelings?

is it our fault for doing things at the last minute?
ok. maybe to a certain extent. but what i can say is that we DID our part.
we didn't want any problems too.
but, it takes 2 hands to clap.
if we did our part but the other party takes their own sweet time, do you think we can complete the task on time?
ok, so when we do our best to ensure that things can be completed on time and we did it, they'll say it was nothing and it's YOUR job to complete it in the first place.
however, when problems arise, where does the blame go?
they'll never admit they are at fault.
anything that goes wrong, it's just us, us and us.

though i dun need compliments all the time, i wouldn't mind getting one occassionally.
we can't deny the fact that humans have psychological needs, right?

~ { 9:33 PM }
everyday's a SMILING day ( :